Meeting location: Town offices
Date: November 29, 2018
Members present: Jay Jacobs, Jonathan Miner; Members absent: Kathleen Scott
Meeting opened: 7:00 pm; Meeting adjourned: 8:50 pm

Members of the public: none

Documents signed or reviewed:
SB signed SB Meeting Minutes of November 15, 2018 and November 23, 2018.

SB signed financials in the amount of $280,257,57.

SB signed Equalization of Municipal Assessment Data Certificate.

SB signed 2019 paid holiday schedule.

SB acknowledged receipt of correspondence from John Cucchi regarding Harry Wolhandler’s building permit.

SB acknowledged receipt of correspondence from the Town Attorney regarding the litigation against the Tax Collector.

SB signed letter of commitment with City of Keene for the town’s share of 2019-20 Hazardous Waste Collection project in the amount of $1,629.00.

Town received check in the amount of $50,000 from Primex for damages incurred during August 2018 storm. Allocation goes into the town’s General Fund.

SB acknowledged receipt of the newspaper article submitted by Allan Saari. SB supports the Police Chief and commends the department for the job that they do, especially considering the challenges faced by a small community. SB at this time has no plans to make any changes to the department.

Edmunds Associates – SB will study further the information about software solutions before making a decision.

Departments, Boards and Committees:
Assessing – SB signed two Intents to Cut Wood or Timber for John Colony (Map 50-Lot 17);

SB signed tax abatements for errors in current use taxation calculated for property owner.

Regarding the issue of Current Use and posting by property owners, following reevaluation, SB has been working with the Assessor to determine where current use exists in town and where posting can be legally enforced. SB is exploring the matter further.

Code Enforcement Officer – SB noted signed building permit for David St. Lifer of 653 Tolman Pond Road.

Highway Department – SB requests a copy of the Road Maintenance Policy.

Historic District Commission –  SB noted that HDC will hold regular meetings on the 4thWednesday of each month.

Library – SB received the 2019 budget from the Library Trustees for $48,300, representing approximately a $4,000 increase over last year.

Planning Board – SB acknowledged receipt of PB Meeting Minutes of November 14.

Trustees of the Trust Funds – SB signed Authorization to Transfer Funds in the amount of $55,000 from the Operating Account to the Capital Reserve Funds.

Other Business:
SB acknowledged receipt of the request for $824.00 from Southwest Community Services and noted the organization will be part of budget make up for 2019.

SB acknowledged receipt of the Rymes Propane Safety bulletin.

Regarding evidence of traffic on Bidewee, SB noted that all Class VI roads are subject to gates and bars; however, SB to date has not installed them. Regarding traffic on that road, SB reiterated that the town does not maintain it.

FEMA – SB acknowledged receipt of Upcoming Risk Management, Assessment, and Planning Discovery Meeting. Town officials invited to a meeting in PB on December 12 from 2:15-4:00 pm. SB request that it be forwarded to Jeff Cady.

Upcoming Meetings:
December 20 – Senator Jay Kahn will meet with the SB at 7:00 pm.
December 25 – Christmas Day (office closed)